Monday, December 21, 2009

Pregnacy MythBuster #2

Myth: A common notion is that pregnant women need to eat double
Fact: Pregnant women need not eat double, but need to consume about 40 to 50 per cent more over the nine month duration. Every pregnant woman needs between 2,200 to 2,500 calories as compared to a normal woman who needs just 1,800.

I shall come up with more such myth-busters posts. Please share if you know of any such myth-buster related to pregnancy.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This morning I woke up all of a sudden and I could feel immense emotional pain.
I've been trying to normalize myself after whatever happened last weekend. But I am not able to forget things that caused me so much pain and stress.
Though, I am not stressed anymore but I just cannot pull myself out of it.

Oh God! please take me out of this troublesome trap so that I get back on track and put my focus back on beautiful, spiritually & emotionally happy angel that I am expecting to enter my life soon. Oh God! give me the strength to stand this test of time.

I love you my little Angel !!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pregnacy MythBuster #1

It’s that time in life when I'm going through a mixture of emotions — excitement, happiness and anxiousness. As a soon-to-be-mother I want to try and do everything right in order to have a safe and healthy delivery .
But the endless advice that people are giving leave me perplexed. Right from the doctor to parents, friends, relatives and even strangers; everyone has an opinion on what I should and shouldn’t do.
A lot of pregnancy myths are created through hearsay and need to be sifted out from the truth.

Myth: A common notion is that eating papaya, eggs and other 'heaty' foods may result in an abortion
Fact: There is no such thing as 'hot’ foods and if eaten in moderation it will cause no harm to the baby

I shall come up with more such myth-busters posts.
Please share if you know of any such myth-buster related to pregnancy.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy 29-Week Birthday Fetus!

Got my ultra sound report today.
The fetus is 29 Weeks + 1 Day.
Inside my beautiful bump is our little chick.
Will our little chick be a boy or a girl?
We will know once it hatches!
Only 73 days to go!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Bubbles Butterflies Gas

Bubbles Butterflies Gas - This is what I felt for the first time my li'l angel moved inside me!

For quite sometime my mother’s been asking me if I feel the baby, or if I feel any movement. “No Mom…nothing at all”, I used to tell. Since this is my first pregnancy I didn’t know what feeling the baby meant.

Then one day I felt a little poke, poke. And next, I felt like popcorns popping inside my tummy.

Feeling my baby moving was the sweetest feeling!

It feels great and feels real.

‘Coz now I can feel the baby moving, tumbling, somersaulting, kicking inside me.

It has now become an everyday activity for me and my hubby. He gets excited by noticing a quick thump here or there.

The baby also enjoys this. (S)He plays little tricks on us. Seeing us in anticipation of where would be his/her next move, (s)he keeps still. We keep staring at the tummy for minutes. And there is no movement at all. But the moment my hubby gives up and eyes away, (s)he comes back with a bang. We can see my tummy making strange shapes. And we all are agog!
(S)He keeps us entertained by his/her little movements, though conspicuous, inside my belly.

Hey, as I am writing this post, my baby just accomplished one somersault!

Am I ticklish :-) :-) Yes I am !
Sure enough the baby’s gonna be lots into sports ;-)

If any mommy or mommy-to-be is reading this post, please share your experience how your little angels made you feel their benign presence. I would love to read about your experiences as well :-)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tiny Toes

Dust ...
Dreams ...
Hopes ...
Yes we are expecting !!!